Shape of God – The Cloud

Shape of God – The Cloud

There are so many things about God that are too amazing for our human brains to
comprehend, but one that tops this list is the fact that God is omnipresent, (everywhere at once)
omnipotent, (having unlimited power) and omniscient, (knowing everything.) How is this even

In the Old Testament God took the form of a cloud during the day and fire at night to lead
the Israelites. That is a pretty amazing thing to read about, I can’t imagine how it was for the
ones that actually saw it. I think it is a cool analogy to think of God as a cloud, there are some
really appropriate correlations. When it comes to actual clouds there are several different types.
There are three different levels of clouds, and based on how far up they are the less we can see
them on earth. However, think of the lower level clouds that we have seen our whole lives and
think of how we like to compare their shapes to something familiar. You know you have done
this, especially when you were young. It was great fun to lie in the grass with your friends and
try to find the most outrageous shapes in the clouds. Well, just as the closer the cloud the more
familiar it becomes, God becomes more and more familiar to us the closer WE get to HIM! He is
always there and always close, we just don’t always feel it, because we are the ones that move

We could never come close to containing a cloud and in the same way containing God is
not possible. How could we hope to contain God when He is everywhere at once? This is
mind-boggling, but so very comforting at the same time. I think in our finite minds we can easily
forget the massiveness of our God, we can’t afterall begin to really fathom the extent of this fact.
I will give you just one example that is so outrageous yet it still doesn’t come close to a
true example. So, let’s start with us on earth…huge already, but just get ready! Earth revolves
around the sun and the sun is an average sized star among a hundred billion stars that are in
the Milky Way Galaxy. The Milky Way is one of billions of galaxies in the universe that is
expanding. So let’s talk about a billion, not even 100 billion, just one billion. Let’s say we want to
become a billionaire by saving $100 a day. If you divide a billion by 100 you get 10 million days,
10 million divided by 365 means it would take you 27,397,26 years to reach 1 billion. That is
27,000 years at saving $100 a day to reach our goal of 1 billion dollars. Now remember that we
are talking about the fact that God the creator of Heaven and earth has placed us in our homes,
in our city, in our state, in our country, on our continent, on the planet earth which is orbits
around a star that makes up 100 billion stars in one of billions of galaxies. By now you should be
able to get a small picture of how BIG and how POWERFUL our God is!

How amazing is it that with the absolute awe-inspiring size and scope of God, He
created us and is so closely connected to us and so deeply in love with each one of us. Have
you ever built something, created or baked something that you were so very proud of? You
know everything about this thing you created right? If you are a carpenter and you build a shed,
you know everything that is great about it and you also know every weakness as well. You may
have discovered that the wood is buckled in one area, or the foundation isn’t as solid as you