Shape of God – The Square
Psalm 23:5 says, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” Now, this is not a literal table with literal food. This is a picture for the fact that we can feast on the Lord’s presence and the peace that He offers us in His presence. What a beautiful picture this paints for us! In this world we encounter so much opposition and when we as Christians are feeling beat up by the world, God will lead us to green pastures where we can rest and again experience the peace that God offers us.
Now, the specific table we are learning about this week is the Passover table. In the Old Testament God called Moses to deliver the Israelites from their slavery in Egypt. The Pharaoh at that time was a very stubborn man and so God sent the 10 plagues against Egypt while keeping the Israelites safe. These plagues were to demonstrate God’s power and yet Pharaoh’s heart remained hard and he refused to let the Israelites go. The final plague was for the death angel to move through Egypt killing the firstborn in all families. In order for the Israelites to be safe they had to kill a lamb and put the blood on top and both sides of the door to their homes. They were given very specific instructions on what to eat and how to prepare to leave the country after Pharaoh finally let them go.
It is because of these events that the Jews celebrated the Passover and do to this day.
The very special menu for the Passover symbolizes the fact that the table the Israelites were sitting at was one of safety and the Egyptian tables were ones of death and destruction.
John 14:6 says, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me. This scripture leaves very little for interpretations. It means Jesus is THE WAY to eternal life…not one way, but THE WAY. He is truth and if we are searching for truth it is only found in Him. He is THE LIFE and the only life that leads to eternity with the Father. It is through Jesus that we find the Father.
The Passover table was an example of the table where we as Christians would need to sit. The lamb that was slain represents Jesus who was slain for our sins. This table is the one where we should be most comfortable. However, we can choose to sit at the table of self or at the world’s table. These choices lead to destruction and promise us no peace whatsoever.
There is a widely held misunderstanding in this world. It is the belief that one can be good enough for Heaven and that enough good works can be done to override the fact that Jesus has not been invited into one’s heart. The truth is none of us can ever be good enough to make it into Heaven based on merit. However, by accepting Jesus and choosing to sit at His table and follow His ways, truth and life, we can be saved.
Choosing to eat at the table of the world which is run by Satan, is the quickest way to wind up in bondage to sin. The things that Satan has to offer are just a counterfeit of the blessings the Lord has for us. Prosperity can be replaced with a selfish need for power and wealth, sex and intimacy in marriage gets replaced by cheap and empty sex outside of marriage etc. However, when we determine to feast at the Lord’s table we learn about holiness and that looks very different from the world.
The Lord’s table is one of love, peace and fulfillment. This week let’s be mindful of the different tables available to us and determine to sit at the right one.