The momentous event that just unfolded was extraordinary. The heavens opened precisely as the intricate sequence was fulfilled, a sequence that even the priest, walking in reverence, could not execute alone. It required another, someone knowledgeable and willing to undertake the sacrificial act of entering the code and combination. Now, the vault of heaven stands open once more, a plan set in motion by God over the ages, culminating in the birth of Jesus. The purpose? To inspire belief. To make you exclaim, “Wow, I believe Jesus is the Messiah, crucified for my sins, the Lamb of God.” God didn’t merely predict this; He intricately designed it step by step, unveiling the veil. Yet, beyond the spectacle lies deeper meaning: the end of the old ways of approaching God, the temple and tabernacle dismantled. Scholars, rabbis, and prophets alike find it improbable: God descending in flesh, dying on a cross meant for the condemned.