Feels Like Home! – Pastor Ben

This isn’t just about a physical building; it’s about us—a community of people coming together to form a living, spiritual temple in the Lord. In Him, we are all being built into a place where God dwells through the Spirit. Our goal is to create a space where the Spirit of God actively works in our lives.

This vision requires more than just a powerful spiritual experience on Sundays. It involves genuinely connecting with one another throughout the week—loving and supporting each other, worshipping together from diverse backgrounds, and becoming a true dwelling place for God, not just a rented space for one day. This is an extraordinary calling, a divine mission that reflects the work of Heaven.

Sounds Like Heaven! – Pastor Ben Sanders

When a church is truly alive, it’s filled with expressions of gratitude and heartfelt thanks, reflecting a community that genuinely serves and loves one another. Such a church resonates with celebration, joy, and peace, embodying worship and the transformative freedom of Christ. It should echo the Sound of Heaven itself!

Faith in 3D – Pastor Ben Sanders 

When I tell myself that I no longer want what I want, but instead desire what God wants, I am making a profound shift. I am choosing to live not by my own desires, but by seeking how God wants me to live. In that moment of surrender, faith is born within me.

Though this faith may start small and seem one-dimensional, it is the beginning of a transformative journey. As faith takes root, everything begins to change. Regardless of what happens, I commit to never stopping my prayers, my learning, or my worship.

When you reach this place of genuine faith, it moves beyond theoretical concepts and touches the real world. It empowers you to engage in meaningful, impactful work. So make the decision now to embrace real faith, and let it guide and transform every aspect of your life.

Jumping Hurdles – Valerie Hernandez

Today, as we continue our Summer Olympics series, let’s dive into the world of hurdles. Watching athletes leap over these obstacles, I’m struck by their incredible talent and the sheer exhaustion they must endure.  Just as these athletes face hurdles in their races, we encounter our own life challenges. Remember the story of the disciples in the storm? Despite their fear, Jesus calmed the sea, reminding us that God is present even when we feel overwhelmed. Like the hurdles, our obstacles may vary in size and difficulty, but faith and trust in God’s timing can guide us through!

World Record Faith – Pastor Ben Sanders

We are not just following our path; we are aligning with His, intentionally stepping into His will, even if it means taking a leap of faith and falling into His grace. Reset the bar, get your running go, then jump with everything you got!

Training For The Race – Mary Blasingame

Whether you think about it or not, we are running a race. We are running a race to eternity with the sole purpose of seeing Jesus at that finish line!

From Wrestling to Blessing – Aundre Blasingame

By engaging in this spiritual wrestling, we are transformed and empowered, ultimately achieving victory through Him. Let us fully commit to this process, knowing it brings us closer to God and enriches our spiritual walk.

Just as Jacob and Paul, experienced, our spiritual journey involves wrestling with God in prayer, seeking His intervention and blessings. Embracing this struggle with perseverance and focus will lead to profound growth and strength.

Drink the Wine – Pastor Ben Sanders

“I don’t just want a sip; I want to drink.” Not fleeting moments of peace or happiness, but to embody God’s presence continually. How? By obeying His words, partaking in communion, repenting, asking to be filled, and lingering in His presence. When you’ve done these, you’re ready to truly drink of the Spirit—responding to God’s presence in everything.

How to Pray for More Than 5 Minutes – Pastor Ben Sanders

The greatest calling isn’t a platform we stand on. Preaching, pastoring, leading, or receiving admiration isn’t God’s highest purpose for me. Titles, ministries, charitable works, even parenting or leaving a legacy—while noble—are not our highest calling. No achievement, no accolade, no earthly role brings us closer to God than prayer. In prayer, we stand closest to God’s throne, in spirit and truth, experiencing His presence like nothing else

Inner Light – Pastor Ben Sanders

When the Light is lit, it stems from the same Spirit. This single candle in our Holy Place mirrors the priests’ work, revealing God’s knowledge within us. God desires to be known, fostering an environment for worship. When filled with the Holy Spirit’s oil, each lamp transforms prayer, parenting, work, and every aspect of life. Unlit lamps affect Christian demeanor and choices, needing daily attention to stay on fire. Pure oil from crushed olives fuels these lamps, aligning us with God’s will. Choosing love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness refuels us spiritually. Even in darkness, the Spirit’s light trims and aligns us through Jesus’ discipline and conviction.