Influencers- A Church Under the Influence

Other Messages A Church Under the Influence What is the impact of a God-fearing man on his wife, children, and community.What is the impact of a The Spirit of God brings clarity, purity, and soundness of mind. What difference can the Church make in the world?

Influencers – Women Under the Influence

Other Messages Women Under the Influence What is the impact of a God-fearing man on his wife, children, and community.What is the impact of a God-fearing woman on her husband, children, and community?

Influencers – A World Under the Influence

Other Messages A World Under the Influence What is the point of life? Why am I here? What’s my “WHY?” The answers seem like top-secret knowledge. But, God makes the answer abundantly clearThe spirit of the world brings confusion, perversion, and delusion. The Church must exist within this world, remaining holy and pure. How can we resist the influence of the world?

Kingdom News – The Classified Kingdom

Other Messages The Kingdom Currency What is the point of life? Why am I here? What’s my “WHY?” The answers seem like top-secret knowledge. But, God makes the answer abundantly clear

Kingdom News – The Kingdom Currency

Other Messages The Kingdom Currency When we live life constantly chasing joy, peace, purpose, and meaning, because these things are just out of reach or veryone is chasing Peace, Joy, and Purpose. But they cannot be bought with dollars and cents. There is a Heavenly currency that will purchase those things!

Kingdom News – The Upside-Down Kingdom

Other Messages The Upside-Down Kingdom When we live life constantly chasing joy, peace, purpose, and meaning, because these things are just out of reach or slipping through our fingers when we think we have found them – maybe it’s because we are living UPSIDE DOWN. At a theme park, going upside down can be fun… in life, it can be quite disconcerting to realize. It often takes something traumatic – maybe tragic – to open our eyes to the idea that we are not living the way life was meant to be lived. It is a shock to our souls when we discover that we’ve been living upside down. Ask yourself these questions: How would you like to live like you are blessed? Receive comfort? Live without need? Be satisfied? Rejoice even when it seems the entire world is against you? The world’s answer to this is: -Work really really hard to live comfortably and without need. -Achieve and excel – be the best – to be satisfied. -Think so highly of yourself that no one can bring you down. No wonder the Bible tells us that people were astonished at the teachings of Jesus… Mat 5:3  “Blessed are the …

Kingdom News – The Kingdom is Here

Other Messages The Kingdom of Heaven is Here! Jesus said… “the Kingdom is Here!” What a proclamation! The world that Jesus entered was filled with turmoil. Israel wanted a king to conquer the Romans. They had an earthly kingdom on their minds. But Jesus said, “the Kingdom of Heaven is here.” And then, he LEFT the world – left Israel with the Romans – left the Apostles in the world to be persecuted. And yet, the disciples knew Peace, they had a sense of Purpose and Meaning, and they still experienced Joy. The only reason the disciples of Jesus would have gone to their deaths to proclaim the Good News about God’s Kingdom, is if they understood their share in the Kingdom. We can understand it too! Joh 18:36  Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.” The Kingdom of Heaven is here, and it isn’t the same as earthly kingdoms. And, if you enter His Kingdom, you don’t have to be the same! You can have real …