Win Yourself – Pastor Ben Sanders

Join us for a powerful message that delves into the essence of crucifying temporary suffering to attain imperishable glory. Emphasizing the importance of self-discipline for the greater purpose of guiding others. Gain insights into facing life’s challenges, embracing suffering, and finding strength in seeking God’s kingdom first. Learn to crucify your temporary struggles, trusting in the promise of a new, glorified body and eternal life.

Vision Sunday

“Two Words for the New Year: Muddy Water” In the heart of the story of Naaman, a commander afflicted with leprosy, lies a profound metaphor for our spiritual journey. This narrative is more than a biblical tale; it’s a reflection of our own struggles and the path to receiving what we seek from God. Naaman, a man of stature and pride, initially balked at the prophet Elisha’s simple solution to wash in the Jordan River. His reluctance echoes our own hesitance to obey God. Naaman’s story is a reminder that true healing and transformation often come through simple acts of faith and obedience, much like the act of immersing in the muddy waters of the Jordan. In our lives, we encounter our versions of ‘muddy water’ – those unassuming opportunities for growth and renewal that we often overlook or undervalue. Just as Naaman had to shed his pride and follow Elisha’s instructions, we too are called to let go of our preconceived notions and ego. It’s in these acts of surrender that we often find the most profound growth. The muddy waters symbolize not just a physical action, but a spiritual stance of humility and trust in God’s plan. The …

Unwrapped: Gifts to God

Today we are finishing up our series called “Unwrapped.” What a perfect name for a series at Christmas right? We learned about a few of the gifts that God has provided for us as His children and followers. So the first gift was the gift of justification, which was really the gift of peace with God. We talked about the gift of redemption, which brings us joy, the joy of salvation. And then last week we talked about the gift of sanctification, which is really the gift of love as we are molded in the image of the one who loves us. Now, let’s discuss some gifts that WE can give to God. Let’s look at Luke 2:10-14 which says, “And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and …

Unwrapping Sanctification – Christine Burch

Today, we wrap up our series called “Unwrapped” with one more word that you may have heard before. We have looked at justification and redemption and today we will look at sanctification. To summarize what we have learned, justification is the act of being made righteous through the atoning blood of Jesus. We are in fact sinners, but because Jesus died on the cross, God no longer sees our sin, but He sees us as righteous. Redemption comes from Jesus dying on the cross to save us from our sin. This was God’s amazing plan to save us from an eternity in hell. What is sanctification? It means to be set aside for a sacred purpose. A great example of being set aside is when your grandma or mom tells the family that the “good china or silver” is never to be touched except for special occasions. Why? It was because the owner wanted these items to be special and protected. You don’t throw a hot dog down on your special china! No, you use a paper plate or your every day dishes for that. The china is for holidays and very special occasions. I know these words can be …

Unwrapping Redemption – William Burch

Grasp the profound truth that, in spite of our imperfections, we’ve received an extraordinary gift – Redemption! He, in His boundless mercy, has rescued us! Through the transformative power of His sacrifice, we’ve been liberated from the shackles of sin! Revelation Frisco is a Spirit-filled, diverse, non-denominational church family located in Frisco, TX. Led by Pastor Ben Sanders, we envision a church that is vibrantly alive with true worship of Jesus Christ. Visit us online at

The Gift of Justification – Chuck Sanders

Today we are going to look at our new series titled “Unwrapped.” We are just a few weeks away from Christmas, and I know everyone loves a great present to unwrap. However, these presents are temporary no matter how well they are made. Let’s dive into something that is extremely valuable and eternal! Wherever you are on your personal journey, whether you are a non-believer, new believer or veteran in the faith, there is a gift that once unwrapped only needs receiving. This gift is called justification. Sounds important doesn’t it? Well, it is and you will see why. I think we can all agree that just because we accept Jesus, it does not mean that we instantly understand all that there is to know about Him. Look at the thief on the cross who was one of two criminals who were crucified along with Jesus. He was very aware of his crimes and knew he deserved to die. However, he saw Jesus suffering on the cross and knew that He was innocent and that this man and His teachings should be loved and followed. He didn’t have time to get saved, attend church for years or even be baptized. …

Forever Jesus – Pastor Ben Sanders

Discover the ultimate answer to life’s deepest questions in the finale of our ‘Clear View of Heaven’ series, where we reveal that Jesus is the key to every fear, need, and situation. From Old Testament prophecies to New Testament teachings, and looking forward to eternity, we explore how Jesus’ presence weaves through every aspect of our spiritual journey. As we uncover how Jesus embodies the way, the truth, and the life, we invite viewers to see life through the lens of His love and teachings. This isn’t just another sermon; it’s a transformative experience, drawing us closer to the essence of our faith and the promise of eternal life with Christ. Let us align our hearts and minds with the ultimate source of all answers – Jesus Himself. Revelation Frisco is a Spirit-filled, diverse, non-denominational church family located in Frisco, TX. Led by Pastor Ben Sanders, we envision a church that is vibrantly alive with true worship of Jesus Christ. Visit us online at

The Communion Effect – Pastor Ben Sanders

Step into a deeper understanding of Communion – also called The Eucharist – in this message from the ‘Clear View of Heaven’ series. From the manna and water in the wilderness to Jesus’ declaration as the bread of life, we will explore how these Old Testament miracles symbolize Jesus’ work, leading us to understanding the role of the Lord’s Supper in uniting and sustaining us spiritually. Whether you’re seeking to deepen your faith or understand the essence of this sacred practice, join us in discovering how Communion connects us to Jesus’ sacrifice and anticipates His return, strengthening us for our spiritual journey.

Taste of Glory – Pastor Ben Sanders

One very common conversation concerning salvation and your walk with God involves faith versus works. Are we simply saved by grace or are we saved by faith? We’re going to look at the fact that it is both according to Ephesians 2:8-9. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast.” It’s a partnership if you will because you have the faith to accept Him through the grace of God. Another very important point we need to grasp is that faith and obedience are two sides of the same coin. Obedience is a byproduct of faith in Christ. We learned a few weeks back about repentance and that means not only asking forgiveness, but also allowing God to change you. All of us sin, but God made a way for us to repent and move away from sin. Did you ever stop and think about the fact that none of us would be saved unless God looked down at you and said, “I want you to be saved!” He has done that for us all according to II …

The Dead Will Rise – Pastor Ben Sanders

We continue our series called “A Clear View of Heaven” in order to help us see what lies ahead for believers in Christ. We want to again see that there are things in our life now that the Bible spoke about and that there are things we live today that point to what is coming. It’s important to know what lies ahead in order to live our lives in such a way that we receive God’s promises for His children. We will look again at the story in Exodus that describes just that…the Exodus of the Israelites from the land of Egypt. After the very last plague which was the death of the firstborn children, Pharaoh was furious! Remember, God provided protection for the Israelites as long as they put the blood of a lamb on their doorposts. The death Angel passed over them and their children were safe, but all the firstborn Egyptians were killed. Pharaoh told Moses to take his people and go. The Israelites had been instructed to be ready to go and they were. However, Pharaoh quickly realized he had just freed ALL of his slaves and that they no longer had workers. Pharaoh gathered a …