The Dead Will Rise – Pastor Ben Sanders

We continue our series called “A Clear View of Heaven” in order to help us see what lies ahead for believers in Christ. We want to again see that there are things in our life now that the Bible spoke about and that there are things we live today that point to what is coming. It’s important to know what lies ahead in order to live our lives in such a way that we receive God’s promises for His children. We will look again at the story in Exodus that describes just that…the Exodus of the Israelites from the land of Egypt. After the very last plague which was the death of the firstborn children, Pharaoh was furious! Remember, God provided protection for the Israelites as long as they put the blood of a lamb on their doorposts. The death Angel passed over them and their children were safe, but all the firstborn Egyptians were killed. Pharaoh told Moses to take his people and go. The Israelites had been instructed to be ready to go and they were. However, Pharaoh quickly realized he had just freed ALL of his slaves and that they no longer had workers. Pharaoh gathered a …

A New World is Coming – Pastor Ben Sanders

Have you ever wondered about Heaven? Have you lost someone you love and wonder what it’s like for them in Heaven, if they were a believer? What we need is a more clear image of Heaven. When looking at the Bible, there are two testaments, the Old and the New. The Old Testament gives us clues into the future and these are called types and shadows. It gives little bits of insight into a Savior coming to earth. The New Testament deals with that Savior Jesus coming to earth as a man and dying on the cross for our sins. The Old Testament gives prophetic imagery about what is to come and it gets more clear the more we read it and the closer we get to it. In the New Testament we see the fulfillment of many prophecies in the birth, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. However, there are so many prophecies yet to be fulfilled. Many of these prophecies have been somewhat hard to understand or even imagine. The Bible speaks to this issue in 1st Corinthians 13:12 when it says, “For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to …

This Is My Destiny – Pastor Ben Sanders

The word “destiny” is one of those words that evokes many different emotions. It can really cause some joyful and hopeful feelings in some and some anxiety in others. One thing that is unequivocally true, however is that we all have a God-given destiny. In Numbers 27, we read a story about five daughters whose father had died and left no sons. Generally, Scripture from those days would only list men in the genealogy, because that was the custom of these times. However, these five women had no father and no brothers yet they were certainly included in the promise of a land flowing with milk and honey. The fact that they were females did not negate them from the promise. No one was left out, and these women had to petition Moses to get their inheritance. It’s amazing that this is listed because this is actually a pretty big deal. I know that many of us have wrestled with whether we were going to fulfill our destiny. We have gone through times where we feel like it’s the goal that we will never reach, and that it is simply unattainable. We see from the story in the Bible that …

The Sweet Life – Pastor Ben Sanders

When we align with God’s will, we can experience the sweetness of life’s blessings, and cultivate the fruit of the Spirit. Whether you’re seeking a deeper understanding or a refreshing reminder, this sermon illuminates the importance of our spiritual roots and the richness of God’s love.

Strongholds and Giants – Pastor Ben Sanders

Today we continue our series called “Promised Land.” We have already learned that God’s promises have a command attached to them, so His commands have promises and His promises have commands. We learned that our faith walk can be a lot like a roller coaster with its many ups and downs, but God is there in them all! Today, we are going to talk about something that affects each and every believer in some form. Let’s talk about strongholds and giants. Again, we look at Numbers 13: 25-28. The spies were sent to scope out the land and they came back with amazing news. They said it was beautiful and a land flowing with milk and honey!! There were men actually carrying giant grapes! The people were ecstatic and ready to go. “Oh yeah, there is one other thing.” They said. “There are men as tall as giants, we were like grasshoppers compared to them.” The people were terrified as we all would be! Joshua and Caleb were filled with faith and knew that God would go with them and deliver these men into their hands. The others however didn’t have time to think about God being with them, they …

The Ups and Downs of Faith – Pastor Ben Sanders

It’s no mystery that life is a lot like a roller coaster, full of twists, turns and some steep drops as well. One minute we are on top of the world with everything just clicking for us. The next minute it feels like the floor has dropped out from underneath us. This is a universal truth. Sometimes we may be tempted to think it’s just us or our own families, but that is without a doubt untrue. There has also been the misconception that Christians are immune to this fact because we have Jesus working on our behalf. This also could not be further from the truth. Having a relationship with the Creator doesn’t excuse us from hard times, it just allows us to lean on Him when we experience them. Another word picture for us to understand the ups and downs of life is to equate them to mountain top and valley experiences. We love the mountain tops because we feel the joy of things going our way. Maybe you just got married, had a baby or received a promotion at work. Maybe it’s as small as being able to have a pain free day where your body works …

Stepping into Promise – Pastor Ben Sanders

The word promise generally evokes positive feelings. It is mainly used to describe how someone gives their word about something good they will do. Even if the promise pertains to something bad never happening again, it’s more positive than negative. It stirs within us a feeling of hope. When it comes to the Bible, we like to get all excited about God’s promises don’t we? Who wouldn’t be excited to receive a promise from our Heavenly Father? Now, I’m not inferring that promises should not excite us, I am however going to submit to you that there is more to receiving them than we may understand. God’s promises ARE for His children and they are freely made available to us, but not without some conditions. We play a part in receiving a promise from God. Our Father God in His infinite wisdom knew that we could struggle with staying spiritually immature in our dealings with His promises. He knew that if we received every promise from God without a personal investment of some kind we would not grow and mature. Therefore God attached conditions to His promises. Let’s look at a story that will provide a rich illustration for conditional …

David’s Secret – Dr. Phil Brassfield

In this video, our guest speaker Dr. Phil Brassfield shares a timely and impactful message that is essential for us all. We’ll hear about David’s Secret, the renowned King of Israel from thousands of years ago, and how his unwavering faith in the Name of the Lord made all the difference. Our speaker reflects on his personal experiences and the importance of calling upon the Name of the Lord in challenging times. Revelation Frisco is a Spirit-filled, diverse, non-denominational church family located in Frisco, TX. Led by Pastor Ben Sanders, we envision a church that is vibrantly alive with true worship of Jesus Christ. Visit us online at

Levels of Prayer – Pastor Ben Sanders

Today we wrap up our series on The Ministry of the Saints with a crucial topic! We are going to discuss the subject of prayer and how it directly correlates to other issues in our life. Prayer can literally make or break our Christian walk. I would imagine that there are countless ways of visualizing or even describing prayer. There are probably as many methods as there are religions in this world. However, I’m sure we can agree that the first and most important aspect is WHO do you pray to? It’s easy to see how an unsaved person could be perplexed about which god to pray to and how the prayers should go. There is no shortage of deception out there when it comes to different gods and different worship practices. For the sake of time, it will be understood that there is but one God and He is the ONLY living God to whom we pray. Now that we have that firmly established, it is beneficial to understand that our prayer life is in direct correlation to our faith life. If we don’t consistently exercise our faith muscles, by trusting that God is working on our behalf, our …