Shape of God – The Triangle

Shape of God – The Triangle The Godhead – In the world of Christian theology one of the hardest things for us to wrap our brain around is the doctrine of the Holy Trinity! How is this possible and how can we EVER hope to understand? At some point most of us in the church have heard a sermon or two on this topic and I bet almost all of them ended the same. We have almost all been told that “it’s just a mystery.” Now, don’t get me wrong it truly is far beyond our scope of understanding in its entirety. Going back a very long time ago, after the original disciples went home to be reunited with Jesus in Heaven, men began searching for an explanation for how God could be One, yet seen as three. Justin Martyr from the early hundreds described God as having “faces” or one God with multiple faces or masks. Ignatius of Antioch from the third century described the Trinity as the “Threefold Splendor of God.” He was one of the first to use the triangle as a visual example as well. There’s Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, it’s one triangle, but …

Shape of God – The Dot

Shape of God – The Cloud We have heard that God is like a prism and that He is like a cloud, but have you ever thought about a simple dot when you think about the Lord?? Well, for starters, what is a dot? It’s a precise point at the end of a sentence which is probably the most common form of a dot. It is very precise right? It is the smallest of details. When God says something you can know that He is very precise with what He means. He is very much into details including the details of our lives. Details, some of us run from them, and some of us live for them. I love the fact, that the God of all creation, the Alpha and the Omega cares about the simple details in our lives. The Scriptures tell us that God knows the very count of the hairs on our head. (Luke 12:7) Think about that for a second, 8 billion people in the world and God knows the number of hairs on our heads. He also knows the number of every grain of sand in the world. How can we not be comforted by …

Shape of God – The Cloud

Shape of God – The Cloud There are so many things about God that are too amazing for our human brains tocomprehend, but one that tops this list is the fact that God is omnipresent, (everywhere at once)omnipotent, (having unlimited power) and omniscient, (knowing everything.) How is this evenpossible? In the Old Testament God took the form of a cloud during the day and fire at night to leadthe Israelites. That is a pretty amazing thing to read about, I can’t imagine how it was for theones that actually saw it. I think it is a cool analogy to think of God as a cloud, there are somereally appropriate correlations. When it comes to actual clouds there are several different types.There are three different levels of clouds, and based on how far up they are the less we can seethem on earth. However, think of the lower level clouds that we have seen our whole lives andthink of how we like to compare their shapes to something familiar. You know you have donethis, especially when you were young. It was great fun to lie in the grass with your friends andtry to find the most outrageous shapes in the clouds. …

Shape of God – The Prism

Shape of God – The Prism As Christians, we know that God is a Spirit and that He is love. However, do you stop and consider that God is light? James 1:7 says “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.” What a great way to describe our Heavenly Father. How then, do we open our spiritual eyes and see the light of God? For starters just look around you and take in the majesty and wonder of all the things that God created. We have to acknowledge the Creator when we see His creation. We can also learn to become students of God, where we read about God, talk about God and meditate about God. This, by the way, is called theology and is an important part of the Christian faith. It doesn’t take a Bible degree to be a theologian of God’s Word. Just remember that the Word of God is our roadmap, love letter and instruction manual and is meant to guide us through life on earth. We can allow our eyes to be opened to all that …

Revival Winds

Super You We need a fresh wind to blow. We need a fresh revelation. We need a wind of revival! 

Super You

Super You We are called to be witnesses for Him and we have received his power according to His promise.